Naming Your RV

You bought your RV, now it’s time to name it. Most RVers I’ve talked to have named their RV. When we bought it I felt compelled to do this however nothing compelling came to mind. Time passed and I felt like it was time to make this a priority and give it a bit of personality. There are a few common themes when people name their RVs.

Sentimental Names

This typically has to do with a connection to you or your RV’s purpose. Are you weekend warriors, using it for hunting trips, heading across the country, touring for your band? Whatever your reason is, utilize it in the name.


You can use cheesy over used phrases like “The Happy Camper”, I’ve heard someone call their RV “Cramalot Inn”, others go with the generic name that comes on their RV. Ours is “Sunseeker” which we really like, but wasn’t original enough for us.

Ironic Names

I’ve seen pomeranians called “Bear” and big burly dudes named “Tiny”. Going with the opposite of what’s real can be quirky and fun.

Ultimately I wanted something sentimental yet adventurous. Something that would represent what we were doing. A week into our adventure after heading up the PCH through Big Sur it seemed fitting to call it the Gas Guzzler haha. Then I started thinking about what would represent us and our journey, rather than the RV itself.

I started brainstorming and writing down adventure words that might be pieced together to make something great and BAM! Suhiclad popped out of the page. It’s everything we’re doing and catchy. “The Suhiclad” is our beast and it really stuck as a name. It’s the first two letters of “Surf, Hike, Climb, Adventure”.

Have you named your RV? We’d love to hear your RV’s name in the comments below.

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